About Us
What Makes Us Tick!

Onihaxy Media scripts is a Package Based Dedicated Donation Community, founded by Financial Oriented Team which aim at bringing everyone under one umbrella to freely help and receive regardless of tribe, colour, location, status or profession, offers each other an helping hand, being mutual support, with no act of greed. Knowing fully well that; there are several people looking towards you to survive this hard time and your donations can be a reason for someone happinesses. At Onihaxy Media scripts, everyone comes together as a chain to help and support each other freely, and thereby, impacting and improving lives of the individual. We understood the fact that we are facing a time where most people in this country had lost trust in donation platforms, however, the glory can be fully restored again if we all thrive, persist and deal sincerely with each other. This platform is designed for the benefit of all, that is, all participants. Donation platform are meant to help each other and not to scam each other, therefore, Onihaxy Media scripts will never tolerate any form of prejudice or cowardice from her participants, we'll be very strict in our rulings to keep this community safe and progressive..
Our Mission
To provide the system and support needed to enable our members achieve their dreams and goals!